Your Carcase Choice



Monday 12th August

Yalgoo Yards, 1.30pm



Coming Soon

Our primary focus is to breed sound bulls that strike the balance between producing fertile and productive cows and steers that meet market demands

Guaranteed, measurable genetic gain in the profit drivers

Fully described Bulls. Data collected with acumen and integrity

Industry best practise regarding Bull QA and customer service

Implementation of innovative technologies and techniques deemed of value to clients

Committed to providing topical, economically valuable information to clients regarding cattle profitability

Disciplined, focused selection program driven by economic rationale

Each bull is backed by 45+ years of objective measurement, so you know that genetic progress is measureable, profound and assured.

About our Herd


Yalgoo has been breeding pedigreed Poll Hereford cattle since 1949. For more than 50 years Yalgoo has hosted an on-property bull sale making it one of the oldest, ongoing seedstock operations in Australia.

The herd’s long standing place in the Yalgoo business and the industry as a whole, is a testament to its performance in both cross breeding and purebred herds alike.

Yalgoo has always been at the forefront of performance testing and a pioneer in beef research.
Below is a summary of Yalgoo’s participation and contribution to the beef industry thus far:

  • Stud Herd established in 1949
  • Foundation member of National Beef Recording Scheme 1960s
  • Jock Nivison AM introduced scannogram to beef industry world wide. Which all IM, fat and EMA scanning stemmed from
  • Regular participant and frequent winner of carcase competitions
  • Foundation member of Breedplan
  • Yalgoo has hosted 51 on property bull sales
  • Co-operative member of original NFI data analysis
  • Co-operative member of international sire program 2004
  • Co-operative member of national cow efficiency project
  • Co-operator herd and sire contributor to young sire evaluation project

Current Herd

The Yalgoo bull breeding herd consists of 350 performance recorded and pedigreed cows. The herd competes with a 16,000+ merino flock and a commercial cattle herd. It is run under the same principle as the commercial herd and wintered at 12 DSE/ha on older pastures.

The fertility and production of this herd is a result of a commercially disciplined approach to management. Industry best practise is implemented to ensure the fundamental profit drivers of weight, fertility, structural soundness and longevity are passed onto our client’s herds.

Herd Management

  • Heifers calve at 2 yro to yearling bulls
  • Yearling heifers are run with PIs to ensure natural immunity against Pesti-virus
  • They are joined for a six week period to maximise pressure on fertility
  • Heifers that receive extreme assistance or come up empty are culled
  • Females aren’t supplementary fed for production
  • Mature cow herd joined for 6-9 weeks depending on AI programs
  • Calves are yard weaned at 5-6 months
  • Empties and dystocia cows are culled
  • No hoof trimming on Yalgoo for 20+ years
  • Large AI & ET programs are undertaken, using outlier sires to increase genetic gain. In 2016 nearly 50% of calves are conceived through ET/AI
  • Profit driving genetics are sourced globally
  • The average Yalgoo cow is youthful to ensure genetic turnover is maximised
  • Constant classing is undertaken, ensuring only the highest performing, fertile females are retained in the herd
  • All females must calve annually, unassisted and in line with joining to remain in the Yalgoo herd

Proven • Effective • Rapid

Genetic Direction

Genetic progress is driven by selection using the Grain Fed index. We believe this index is the most versatile and best describes the article our clients are aiming for. Importantly it incorporates IMF, ensuring our cattle are competitive in eating quality with other breeds. Our crossbreeding clients demand IMF. They don’t want to sacrifice marbling in their cattle by cross breeding with herefords. The Yalgoo herd lies in the top 20% of the breed for the Grainfed index.

Phenotype Selection

Phenotypic traits are also important in our selection process. Sound structure and muscle are the predominate traits we concentrate on. Visual muscle is not a particularly grass hungry trait and is a trait that has huge economic benefits to beef herds. Recent CRC trial work has shown there are no ill effects on growth, calving ease or fertility traits when increasing visual muscle content. However, the upside is an increase of 21 c/kg with an increase in 1 muscle score across all market categories. Or an increase profitability of 23% in a southern beef herd. Yalgoo strives to be a preferred supplier of carcase orientated whiteface cattle.

We stack our pedigrees with proven, consistent, dominant sires. Although we don’t line breed, we are not adverse to staking a pedigree with a proven bull to enhance repeatability and consistency.

Correct udder type, eye pigment and placement are also phenotypic traits we select for.

Maturity Type

Maturity type is controlled both by genetic and environmental factors. We aim to produce frame 7 bulls with positive fat cover and a medium/early maturity pattern.

We find under high stocking rates, earlier maturing cattle are more versatile and marketable.

Grain Feed Steer

  • Herd
  • Society

Herd Goals, genetic trends and breeding objectives


Yalgoo is one of the highest growth herds in the breed, with our recent sale team averaging in the top 15% of the breed for all growth traits. Beef profitability is all about weight. We select for high growth to ensure our clients can maximise kgs/ha produced.

  • Yalgoo is one of the highest growth herds in the breed. Yalgoo 2014 sale bulls average top 15% of the breed for 200, 400, 600 day wts
  • Yalgoo 2014 sale bulls average top 20% of breed for all indexes

Yalgoo is one of the very few whiteface studs that measure mature cow weights. We aim to produce animals that have strong growth to 600 days before tapering off.

In the New England under high stocking rates, mature cow weights are best kept moderate. Our cow herd will consume 60-80% of dry matter on the farm. Therefore, we need to keep our sale animal’s cost of production at a minimum. Easy fleshing, moderate growth mature females assist in keeping a lid on cost of production. High mature growth, late maturing cows are inherently less fertile and efficient.

Yalgoo suggests keeping 600 day weight 1-2 breed deciles above mature cow weight. If we breed our cows to small we will affect herd dystocia levels. Mature cow weight also has a significant effect on income through cull cow sales.


  • Yalgoo
  • Breed Average


  • Yalgoo
  • Breed Average


  • Yalgoo
  • Breed Average

Birth Weight

Although yalgoo is ‘top end’ for growth, Birth Weight is just above breed average. Yalgoo will continue to put downwards pressure on birth weight to level off at below breed average.

At Yalgoo we are aware that fertility is paramount to the profitability of your beef enterprise. We ensure the fundamentals of our management practices are industry best practise to maximise the pressure placed on fertility. This is outlined on the “Herd Management” page.

Genetically we concentrate on:

  • Shorter gestation length – the Yalgoo Herd lies in the top 35% of the breed for GL EBV Graph
  • Below breed average for birth weight
  • Moderate milk: Yalgoo aims to keep 200 milk at breed average. We strive to keep milk at a level that will not affect fertility in a poor season
  • EBV Graph
  • Scrotal Size: The Yalgoo herd lies in the top 20% of the breed for Scrotal size. Our females are breeding bulls with bigger scrotal circumferences resulting in earlier and larger matings. These bulls are producing females that reach sexual maturity at an earlier age and are inherently more fertile


Yalgoo strives to be the leading supplier of whiteface carcase genetics. Our cattle must scan high for EMA and IMF and equally importantly express this muscle visually.

  1. All animals are scanned for EMA, IMF & Fat
  2. Bulls are independently muscle scored and average a C+ for muscling
  3. Yalgoo Herd Carcase EBVs Vs Breed
    • CWT: TOP 20% of breed
    • EMA: TOP 25% of breed
    • IMF: TOP 20% of breed
    • RBY: TOP 35% of breed
    • GN index: TOP 20% of breed

200 Day Growth (need to update graph)

  • Yalgoo
  • Breed Average

400 Day Weight (kg) (need to update graph)

600 Day Weight (kg) (need to update graph)